The ultimate authority at Valley Ministries is the congregation as a whole. The congregation sets the budget for the year, elects the board of directors and other officers, and calls a new pastor when needed. Valley Ministries usually has one congregational meeting per year, although there may be special congregational meetings if there is a particularly important decision to be made.
In between congregational meetings, Valley Ministries’ board of directors manages the day-to-day affairs of the church. The board has open meetings once a month. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Our board members have all agreed to the following covenant.
As a member of the Valley Ministries Board, I commit to the following:
Respect Others
I presume the good intent of others
I will interact with loving respect for each individual
I will treat each person as deserving of equal respect
I will respect each person’s individual experiences and expertise
Seek Input
Before making any decision, we will ask for input from those who will be affected
We will get input from all of the pieces of the puzzle
We will listen respectfully and supportively
We will respect what others have to say
Discuss Before Deciding
We will discuss before deciding
We will encourage each other to speak
Each person has the right to have their ideas considered
If I have something to say, I will say it
Encourage Others
We will encourage each other
We will encourage other members to apply for board positions
Learn and Grow
If I stray from this covenant, I will apologize and I will seek to do better in the future